Help to Slow the Spread of COVID-19 with Cloth Face Masks


The Covid-19 has become one of the greatest calamities of the modern world. The latest corona virus has impaled economies around the world due to massive lock downs, in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Corona virus is easily transmissible, which is why most countries have restricted social gatherings and promote social distancing to lower the chances of transmission. With almost no signs of a vaccination in view for a couple of months, prevention is the only cure at the disposal of the world.

How does Corona Virus spread?

Awareness is the key to prevent the spread of covid-19, which is why governments and other agencies need to focus on educating the masses about covid-19 and how it spreads. Well, covid-19 transmits through liquid particles that are excreted via sneezing or coughing. The respiratory disease causes pneumonia like symptoms that causes breathing difficulties, coughing, fever, and other symptoms.

 Without a cure of the novel corona virus, the world is at the stake with millions of people infected around the world. Breaking the chain of spread of the virus is imperative for a quick retrieval from the pandemic. To resume a normal life, people need to maintain social distancing and refrain for participating in large gatherings. It is also advised that if you have corona virus like symptoms, you should practice self-quarantine for at least 14 days to avoid spreading it to other people.

Face Masks: an effective prevention strategy

Since covid-19 patients can mostly infect other people from liquid excreted from the mouth, covering the mouth with a medical face mask helps in containing the liquid and spreading it to other people. While a facemask does not really help people who do not have corona virus from being infected, the turmoil around the world has caused almost everyone to buy masks and move around wearing them. This obviously caused a massive surge in the demands for facemasks, creating a supply void that could not be filled.

Cloth Face masks to the rescue

Since medical industries were not equipped for such a massive spike in the demand, there is an imminent shortage of facemasks for the public. However, T-shirt designers or custom made T-shirts manufacturers who mostly offered services such as ‘print photo on t-shirt online’ were able to quickly adapt to the market needs and offer a viable solution. Clothing industries were able to product facial masks of a short notice in large quantities. While these masks are not as effective and efficient in filtering out particles, dust, and bacteria from the air, they fulfill the role they are intended for i.e. to keep corona virus contained.

 How does cloth facemask help?

While there are several controversies and negative feedback about cloth facemasks, as they are not as efficient as medical grade facemasks, the purpose is not the same. Medical facial masks are designed to help people filter out the pollutants in the air while inhaling air. On the other hand, facemask for coronavirus is to contain the liquid droplets that would excrete and infect other people. When you compare the absorbency of medical masks and cloth masks, it is almost on the same level. Therefore, facemasks are an effective strategy to prevent the spread of corona virus and to fulfill the gap in the market. Since making cloth facemask does not really require many standards, it can be made in large quantities readily. With so many clothing industries in the world, mass-producing cloth facemasks would not be a challenge and can easily meet global demands easily.

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