Horror Designs that Will Make You Scream


Are you preparing for the Halloween and not sure what to wear? Well, there are various outfits out there you can choose when it comes to dressing up for Halloween. However, if you are the type that tends to maintain the cool factor and dress up in a way, that gives people the creeps, you ought to try out one of the horror themed t-shirts. If you are new to the t-shirt thing and not sure what to get for the next Halloween, you can go to one of the online stores and create t-shirt designs based on their templates. However, if you already have a horror secret, than buy customized t-shirts to give your friends a shock of their life. There are numerous ideas out these and all you need is to print photo on t-shirt online and get it delivered to your doorstep. If you need help though, here are few funny horror tips to give your friends the chill this Halloween:

 Sugar Skull T-shirt

By far, one of the coolest yet grave chilling t-shirt is the sugar skull t-shirt. These t-shirts come in all sizes and variants and you can choose from a range of color options too. The sugar skull is always eerie to look and will definitely give your friends a fright when they see it for the first time. If you end up walking on them in the dark with a glow in the dark design, you will definitely make them scream. Try keeping a video camera at hand to record the precious moments and relive the funny moments with other friends. A horror prank always makes a good share on the internet. However, horror pranks certainly provoke revenge pranks, so be on a lookout once you give your friends a nightmare to of their life.

A useful tip though, if you buy one of these t-shirts with a glow in the dark design, try to keep the shirt in the closet and never leave it hanging around the room, as you might give yourself a mini-heart attack when you wake up in the middle of the night for a quick trip to the washroom. It may even give your little siblings a scare of their life and they might feel uneasy sleeping alone in a dark room. Therefore, use this t-shirt wisely and keep out of reach of children. Also, to secure the surprise and chill factor of the t-shirt, never wear it during the day and keep it for special occasion only. This way, you can keep the element of surprise and not giveaway the surprise element due to familiarity with the design.

 Other great Ideas

Apart from the sugar skull, there are other ideas to adopt for the next Halloween. A great horror and eerie experience would be to get ‘Chucky’s’ image on the t-shirt holding a knife and a sly smile; this one never fails to do the job too. The grim reaper is another great image that you can fashion on a t-shirt and give your friends a scare. An important tip when you design a t-shirt for Halloween is the choice of colors you make. It is important to understand that certain colors have a bigger impact on the image compared to others. For example, it is important to keep the background dark, which is why most horror t-shirts are black, giving a strong background to focus to the image. Secondly, use image colors that are often associated with violence or have a striking color. Using a pink skull would not be as effective in scaring people as a red one.

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